Visit here for a handy list of job finding websites, which will be updated regularly.



Job Centre Plus







Features Round-Up:


One of the most famous job hunting websites. I think this was the first ever job hunting website I used-probably because I saw the TV adverts. A nice design (very purple), neatly laid out.  They have a good search engine for finding jobs (can search by job type/location). But monster offers so much more. This is a top job seekers website, feature-wise.

First of all, I recommend to get the most out of this site, register. It won't take long and you'll get many extra benefits that could help lead you to a new job.

No I don't know where their site name inspiration comes from either. Yet to find any monsters to work for from this website (some




Also have the standard job search, with searching possible by the location or job type.



Direct gov

Just like the Job Centre Plus and Department of Work & Pensions job seekers, this job search website, the official one from said DWP is below par. Compare it to just about any of the other commercial job hunting websites and you'll see what I mean. This is also the website you are required to visit as part of claiming certain benefits under the Job Centre Plus, such as Job Seekers Allowance, I mean, don't get me wrong, the searching system is function able and all, with the ability to be able to type in 'all jobs' to list all available been handy, plus the ability to be able to view all on one page. But, notice how their are far fewer jobs advertised on here then any of the other job hunting websites. Coupled with the other available articles and information, it just has that 'empty feel'. Have a look at what the government are offering job seekers, website-wise, then take a look at monster.

And what's with the annoying logging off the job search page after a couple of minutes, reseting all search results. Frustrating.


Graduate Jobs




A lot of these job hunting websites will have a page on social media, like a facebook, Linked in,or tumblr one, worth signing up to for any useful updates, which often appear their before the official site.