
 Here I'll list some recruiter based information. Different companies, organizations and individuals all have their own methods for how they go about with the whole recruitment process. They will have their own methods that will suit their needs for their particular company. However, there are some points I thought worth making for recruiters to take note off.

  •  Something I have always noticed when applying for jobs is how many employers do not get back in contact with candidates who apply for one of their roles. Now I do appreciate and understand that some organizations have so many people applying for their roles, so it would be hard to contact everyone, let them know if their application was successful or not. Hard, but I do not believe impossible. You may of noticed that it's funny how some companies are able to contact with regards to an application (even if you were not successful) and others don't. The thing is, even if a company was unable to personally contact every applicant to let them know, there's something called an automated email. Maybe companies could at least give a 'thanks for applying, this time you have not been successful but we appreciate your interest' kind of message. But something I thought was, well surly, if the claim that staff cannot get back to all applicants is valid, couldn't that be another role created for a job position-someone to reply, or at least try and rely back to as many candidates and let them know if an application was successfulor not.