If the Job Centre Plus is not going to improve, then there should be an alternative. Now, as mentioned in previous articles, there are many resources where services that the Job Centre Plus is supposed to offer, can be gained, and with much better quality. So why not abandon using the Job Centre Plus altogether?

Well, the problem is that currently visiting and using various Job Centre Plus services is the only way that people can receive certain benefits such as Job Seekers Allowance.

Here's my vision of a better Job Centre Plus. I know and realise that a lot of work needs to go into an organization such as the Job Centre Plus, but if we could at least have a service that had a much better rate of quality, helpful service, then that would be an improvement over what we have now. 


So this would be my model for a Job Centre Plus alternative.






Better customer service 


  • For a service that is meant to serve customers, JCP has a poor track record. Let's have staff that are trained in good manners, don't unfairly put the phone down on you, actually listen to you


While where on the subject of the phone service, how about sorting out a system that often has technical faults and can put you on hold for freakin ages. Sure, I realise a lot of people can be using this service at once but I'm sure with a bit of work it could be fine-tuned. Oh yes and one more thing, that even the most dedicated classical music enthusiast might appreciate, I think it's time to change the holding tone!